Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Dad and the Story of Samuel

I started reading the Bible to Ryan this week. I have neglected reading to him for a very long time, usually it was because I was too tired or too annoyed to read to him. This past week I read a book and in the book the author referred to the story of Esther. I thought about the Old Testament stories and how I have not really read them a lot with Ryan. So, we started with Esther. Then went on to Ruth, and tonight we started 1 Samuel. When I finished the first two chapters, I was reminded that the third chapter of 1 Samuel is my all time favorite story in the Bible. Why is it my all time favorite? Well, because I can remember my dad telling me that story when I was a child, not once, not twice, but over and over again. I wonder if I asked him to tell it to me or if he just told it to me. I don't recall ever begging to hear it again but I know I heard it a lot. When I finished the second chapter tonight, I told Ryan, "The next chapter is the story that my dad always told me." Of course, Ryan wanted me to keep reading, pleaded with me to keep reading. So, with his begging and my childhood memories, how could I not read it? It made me realize how much my dad really loved me, he shared with me and showed me the most important things in life, how God is faithful.

I love my dad dearly, I miss being able to hear him talk. I wish I had valued him more when his mind was still here. I think I valued him highly, I just wish I had expressed it more often.

Thanks Dad, for the rich heritage you gave me. I didn't always agree with you and your decisions about my life, but I am thankful that you allowed me to grow up with a knowledge of who God is and the need for him in my life. I am thankful I can pass this along to the next generation and they can to the next, God willing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Been a Long Time

Wow, I haven't been here in a long time. I ended up missing a whole month of work in order to stay home and rest, I rested, my house is still dirty, I don't really care at this point. Life is too short to worry about those dust bunnies all over and I don't have Mom here to make me feel bad because she would often pull out the broom when she came over--which naturally led to me actually getting off my butt and cleaning. (See, there are some things that are just not missed.)

I have a new plan for my life, it isn't getting very far either and I will not share until I have more of it accomplished.

Dan goes to Florida on Friday. He is getting to be a big boy, made his own flight reservations, will take the bus to Chicago, only thing I did is volunteer to get him to the bus station at 3 in the morning. I hope he makes it, when we were in Baltimore, he almost got left at the airport because he got off the shuttle at the wrong terminal and someone told me he had gotten off. All the people on the shuttle were hollering either at the driver to wait or to Dan to get back on. It was quite funny. One guy said to me, "You would have had some explaining to do." My thoughts were, "Na, probably not."

I have nothing else to say now other than, it is bed time and I will take full advantage of a full night's sleep tonight.