Where did it all begin?
I thought that once I hit 50 I would never be able to lose weight again, that I was destined to be FAT for the rest of my life. I didn't really even want to attempt another try at losing weight and keeping it off. I knew how to lose weight, I had lost the same 30-40 pounds many times. Why they kept finding me again is something I cannot figure out. I would get frustrated with none of my clothes fitting and then somehow clothes would show up in my closet that fit me. ( I think I may have bought them)
I don't hate to exercise, I have tried to have a routine most of my adult life. That has been hit or miss along the way too. I am not sure why I walk away from exercising on a regular basis, either I am bored or I just feel like the time commitment is too much. I like a variety of exercise and I do want to try new things and am willing to try different ways to exercise.
So, when my sister Kathy lost 50 pounds using Weight Watchers, I decided if she could do it, I could do it, after all, she has 7 years on me. Last April, shortly after this picture was taken, I joined Weight Watchers. I was faithful. I went every week, made sure there was time in my schedule to go every week, even if I had to go at different times. I just knew I had to be accountable to the meeting. But mostly, I had to be accountable to ME. If I let myself step away, I knew it would be hard to go back again.
In May, I decided that in order to save my joints and enjoy exercising, I needed a bike. I went to Michael's Cycles and told them I was in need of a bike for leisurely riding. I had no idea that my riding would be anything but leisurely. I started riding my bike and thanks to the drought of 2012, I never had to miss riding due to wet weather. In fact, it only rained on me one time all summer while I was out. I rode that bike almost every day. Sometimes it was a short ride and sometimes it was a long ride. Sometimes it was a really long ride. Every time it was a GREAT ride (well, except for a couple where I thought I was going to puke). My favorite story is the one where I was feeling really good and thought I should just go to the next road up before I made my turn toward home. I turned on the road, started going down hill quite quickly and realized that what goes down must go up....looked forward and realized I had a long way up in order to make it home. I couldn't do that, I had to get off and walk. The second hill was the killer and there was a guy in a truck who came by and offered help. I assured him I would make it, and I did. By the end of the summer, that was an easy ride. (I cannot wait until I get out there again) I also was working nights last summer and one day I woke up and said to myself, "If it is less than 100 degrees, I am going out." I looked at the weather on my phone and it was 99. I hit the road. It was hard and I was pouring my water over me by the time I was heading home, but I made it.
Along the way, I had vacation that interrupted my progress. I ended up gaining 5 pounds during the week we were gone. The WW leader told me the average person gains 5-10 pounds over vacation. I was glad to be on the bottom side of average. I knew I could get it off, and within two weeks, I was well on my way to losing again.
When it got too cold to be outside riding my bike, I knew I had to go to another method of exercise. I had joined a gym, but found that was just too much of a pain to try to arrange time to go. Exercising at home was the best answer for me. So, I dug out the exercise video I had bought over a year ago and decided to try them out. It has been awesome. I love working out in my basement. I sweat A LOT and love feeling like my workout is a worth my efforts.
By Christmas, I was feeling pretty good about my weight loss.
I started going to Zumba with a friend. We hired a trainer and have been working on getting in shape for some races.
So, nearly 50 pounds lighter, I am feeling great. I ran my first 5K last Saturday. Well, I should say, participated in my first one. My time was better than I expected and I loved every second of the race.
It has been a long year. The journey continues. Hopefully, now that I have made the year mark, I can keep on going. I still have weight to lose, but I am not as worried about getting large amounts off. I know it is a one day at a time, sometimes one bite at a time. One food choice at a time. One clothing size at a time. But it can be done. I hope that I have encouraged others to head in the direction of health and feeling good.