Don't you just go crazy when you have to wait for something? In this instant gratification world we live in, waiting has become one of the hardest disciplines to practice. Sometimes the wait is understood, sometimes it is down right annoying. For instance, I have a very old computer that works just fine, except for the initial getting on. It takes forever. This morning I wiggled the mouse, waking up the computer, then went and microwaved my coffee (the invention that probably started this whole instant gratification life). When I got back to my computer, I had another minute ~or maybe even minute and a half to wait for the rest of the boot up to complete. I have gotten used to it, annoying as it may be.
Another waiting story. Back in October or so, I was involved in an accident of sorts. My car was hit in the parking lot of Walmart. No one was hurt. I was in the store and unaware of the incident. When I got out to my car there were several people waiting to tell me what had happened. We got it all pretty much settled that day. The driver gave me her insurance information and I told her I would pursue it at home. I saw very little, if any, damage on my car. But, I called Geico anyway. You know how they say on there advertisement, "15 Minutes can save you 15%?" I think that is only if you are looking to pay them. I sat on the phone for well over the estimated 45 minutes. It was at one hour when I decided I had suffered through enough "hold" music and I gave up. I thought I would try at a different time of day another day only to have the same thing happen. I gave up completely. Eventually, so as not to keep you wondering, they contacted me and I was well compensated for the "damage" to my car. But, that wait was just nothing short of annoying.
All of this to be reminded of one other thing in regard to waiting. Have you ever asked Jesus to forgive your sins? That is the one thing that you NEVER have to wait for. He does it as soon (probably even before) you ask. When your heart starts to realize you are a sinner in need of a savior. He is already standing there, forgiveness in His hands, ready to give it to you. It is the most instant event you can experience. You don't have to jump through hoops, you don't have to wait on hold, you don't even have to punch in the time (as on a microwave). You just have to barely come to the realization that you need salvation and it is already there.
I am reminded of the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. "And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son and embraced him." The father didn't sit on his porch and say, "Oh, look, there he is, that wayward no good son of mine. I am going to sit here and wait for him to come to me, he can work his way back into my good graces. I will not only wait, I will make him wait for me to see enough improvement and then I will forgive him." Not at all, he jumped up and ran. No wait, no questions, no condemnation, just forgiveness. That is the picture of your Heavenly Father. He is waiting on you, but you will never ever have to wait on Him for forgiveness.
I hope you do surrender your life and fine the fulfillment you desire.
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