Monday, January 24, 2011

blogging from my phone

I am in bed and decided I should say something. We made our last trip to the apartment today. We had to get the transformer off the Dish and sent it back. We moved the TV stand over to Patricia's apartment. She was so excited and grateful.
Then, we got to the car and got a call from our neighbor who was out on a mission to find us a refrigerator. He is an appliance repair man and was giving us advice. So, we decided to go look at one. We ended up making the purchase. I am excited to finally get my freezer in the bottom type.
I haven't gotten my iPod changed over to not playing Christmas music, so I am listening to that and remembering that one month ago on this date, Mom's faith became sight. Each few days I get a better understanding of how real it is that I know where my mom is. I do hope I am pleasing to her, I know there were many times I was not, but I want to honor the many special years we had together.

But one thing I know she would say, "You're not losing weight because you have an overactive fork!" She had such a way with words.

See you later, Mom, I love you!!

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